Saturday, July 28, 2012

Boundries and Goals

Today we spent some time assessing how to move forward and accomplish our goals for our family and ourselves.  Jeff and I sat on the porch.  I did most of the talking and he listened as I sorted out the frustrations and desires that were in my head.  After listening and seeing that I wanted input, he did some talking and suggesting what to do next as well. Below is some of what we came up with.
Most important areas of our family life:

1. growing relationship with God
2. growing relationships with each other
3. growing relationships with others (cub scouts, GRACE, Sunset)
4. creating a healthy home (taking care of our physical home inside and out including gardening, yard, and   house care)
5. performing arts

We are planning to use this as a guide for what to include and not include in our days.  This will be our "school" in a sense.  Whatever we decide to teach our children will stem from these areas.  If it doesn't fit these, we will do our best to say no.  It is a place from which to spring forward in our scheduling and daily living.

I have been feeling unmotivated yet anxious to move on to a routine this week.  I know I need to set some boundaries for myself in order to move out of this murky place of feelings.  So, in that regard, I have decided to start slow and concentrate on getting the amount of water I know I need each day in the way I know I need it as well as exercising and spending at least 30 minutes relaxing.  I think 3 things instead of 10 - 20 or just 1 will work well for me.  And as far as a routine for the kids and I during the day..... I will write more about that next time.  I need to get myself to bed.

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